How do you know if web site is optimized, over optimized or under optimized?
To begin with, in order to find out if your web site is under-optimized; just do a few basic checks like:
1. Title tag
2. Description … continue reading
To begin with, in order to find out if your web site is under-optimized; just do a few basic checks like:
1. Title tag
2. Description … continue reading
Long tailed keywords; What are they?
To put it simply, long tailed keywords are keywords that are more descriptive. This means, they are very specific.
Let’s just say you are looking for a driving school near your locality. If you … continue reading
Earlier there were search engines and search directories. Searchers would go to Google, Yahoo! MSN, Altavista, Askjeeves, Dmoz etc to search for anything they wanted.
Those were the days when we talked and discussed about the search engines…which one is … continue reading
From a visitor’s perspective, it is best to learn to search with keywords that will bring up the most relevant site in a jiffy. From the webmaster’s perspective, it is ideal if their site comes up on the top of … continue reading
To best explain the evolution of websites, web site design, and SEO, I will divide this article into three phases-
In the 90s when the … continue reading
Most internet marketers today focus on PPC to get them their leads online. While it is true that PPC is the fastest and the most effective way of generating leads; can we ignore leads that we get from SEO efforts?… continue reading
In my earlier post I touched upon the “Visitors” and “Traffic Overview” sections of the Google Analytics report, today I will take up the “Content” section of the Analytics report. It is a part … continue reading
Now that you have website that is live and has gone through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), I am sure you would want to find … continue reading
Ethical SEO or ethical Search Engine Optimization, in my opinion, should form the basis of promoting your website online.It is one of the most important aspects of promoting your website .This website is all about SEO best practices , and … continue reading
A study of some web sites and my web site revealed that the
below-mentioned search engines make up the top 10 search engines. Though there is nothing new about this, most of us know that Google … continue reading