Tag Archives: website optimization

Setting Goals for a Website; The most effective way of measuring performance

Setting goals for a website; Why should websites set up goals?

A website is designed and set-up based on the business objectives. Every on-line business has a business objective or goal. Whatever be the nature of business, the business goals … continue reading

Is SEO still critical for on-line visibility?

I met a young guy at the event very recently and I was very impressive with his knowledge on the latest website marketing techniques that I wanted to find out his mantra of successfully marketing his products on-line. After conversing … continue reading

5 steps to effective SEO


Optimize, optimize…. whatever it may be… be it the introductory text on the home page, the logo image, the navigation area, textual or image…each and every element and aspect of a page is a potential candidate for optimization. … continue reading

How much should you optimize your web site?

How do you know if web site is optimized, over optimized or under optimized?

To begin with, in order to find out if your web site is under-optimized; just do a few basic checks like:

1. Title tag
2. Description continue reading

Search Engine Algorithm Updates – How do they effect you?

  • What is a Search Engine Algorithm?

Search engine algorithms are differnet for each search engine. Each serach engine has its own algorithm. The algorithm adopted by each search engine forms the basis of why some web sites rank higher than

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10 Tips to optimize/enhance your website for users and search engines

1. Get your website user ready. Try to make it easy for the users to access information.

2. It will be very helpful for visitors if a simple Navigation is followed. If you are using images for your navigation, it … continue reading