Tag Archives: seo

Christmas & Holiday season sales with SEO; How to make the most of it

Christmas & Holiday season sales with SEO

Christmas & Holiday season sales with SEO,  how does SEO help with sales?

With the Christmas & holiday season almost here, on-line shopping sites need to start working on their holiday sales marketing … continue reading

Optimize for local searches

Optimize for local searches

“Optimize for local searches” is one of the recommendation that every  local business owner will get. Local optimization is no longer an optional part of your SEO optimization strategy; it has to be one of the … continue reading

Conversion Rate Optimization the natural way!

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

What is the purpose of a website/ business? Why does it exist?
Is getting visitors to your site enough?

Some of my visitors want to know how they can get visitors to take the required … continue reading

Top 4 On-page SEO elements that will continue to impact ranking

Over the years, we have witnessed and are witnessing a lot of changes in search, in terms of how people search, from where they are searching, and search engines as well. With social networking adding to the search dynamics, things … continue reading

Online Reputation Management; Are you doing this?

In an era where almost everything is found online, it should not come as a surprise that potential customers would want to check reviews of your business online before making a buying decision.

So what do you do to make

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The S3 (Social-SEO-SEM) Synthesis

The S3 synthesis as I call it, has been in the offing ever since social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter started gaining momentum, it became apparent that we will soon see an amalgamation and therefore the socialization … continue reading

Into the visual Age

The need for compelling and unique content is a fact that everyone is aware of but what is it that makes a content unique and compelling?

Content does not mean having pages and pages of information, unless it caters to … continue reading

The Google & Twitter marriage of convenience

The Google and Twitter deal and its implications on Search and SEO

Google and Twitter signed a deal earlier this year. This deal will enable Google to index tweets and display real-time tweets on their search results pages. Google has … continue reading