Tag Archives: Social Media Optimization

SEO Best Practices for 2014

SEO Best Practices for 2014

In 2013, we saw a lot of index updates especially with Google. Google has been working on its algorithm so that the search results provide correct and very relevant
information to the searchers. As a … continue reading

Search has a new meaning; SEMANTIC

We knew we were headed this way. And it is here now. The latest algorithmic changes in Google was geared towards making their search results more SEMANTIC.

Search is becoming personal and interactive, and search engines such as, Google is … continue reading

SEO and traditional marketing

How do we differentiate between the traditional way of marketing products and services Vis-à-vis Internet marketing (especially Search engine optimization, SEO)?

Traditionally selling or introducing a product to a customer happens essentially through a face to face meeting with the … continue reading

Why review dated web pages?

Review and re-engineer existing pages to improve quality

It might help to take a look at your existing pages and check if they are relevant. Relevancy would vary from website to website.

If your website has been in existence for … continue reading

20 SEO Facts

1. SEO (Search engine optimization) is both an art and science. The presentation of SEO in terms of website design and content is an art. This art includes SEO techniques in order to produce results, and this is the  scientific … continue reading

Social Media Optimization (SMO)

Social Media Optimization (SMO); this term was coined and described by Rohit Bhargava. That was the time when the social media started getting popular. More and more people started using this platform to reach across to others.

What does SMO

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