Category Archives: Internet Marketing

SEO in 2015

In 2015 SEO will continue to evolve in terms of its applicability across all channels. Webmasters will need to focus more and more in making their websites popular and their presence felt across all possible channels  and mediums.

Here is … continue reading

Get more customers this holiday season with FourSquare

With the increased use of local search from mobile devices, finding a preferred place in a new city or for that matter finding new places in your own city is now so much easier.

And Foursqaure has made things even … continue reading

The Holiday shopping season is here, is your business mobile ready?

Almost everyone I know owns a smart phone and is typically almost always online. Starting from buying movie tickets online to finding a restaurant… most people today are more dependent on their mobiles than their laptops or desktops.

What does … continue reading

Infographics and SEO

Infographics are an attractive and effective way of presenting information and data.
They are like images within your content but with a difference.

As a child I always found it easier to understand and grasp any problem if it was … continue reading

How User-friendly is your site?

Successful websites have learnt the art of meeting their customers needs in the most helpful and user-friendly way.

The mantra is not just about providing information but to provide the information keeping in mind the potential customer’s requirements.

I was … continue reading

Search providers 2013: Some of my favourites

With 2013 coming to an end, it’s time to look back and list out my favourite search providers for 2013.

Search Engines


Whenever I think search, by default Google comes to mind. That’s how strong Google brand is … continue reading

TinEye:An image search engine with a difference

TinEye is a reverse image search engine. It uses advanced image recognition techniques along with search software to bring you amazing results.

So what does a reverse image search engine do?

It shows up images in it results but that … continue reading