Category Archives: Internet Marketing

What is the Penguin update?

From time to time search engines change or tweak their algorithm so that they keep the search results relevant. Penguin update is one of those tweaks.

Let us just say that “Penguin update” is Google’s commitment towards a cleaner and … continue reading

Search…searching…Search Engines

Earlier there were search engines and search directories. Searchers  would go to Google, Yahoo! MSN, Altavista, Askjeeves, Dmoz etc to search for anything they wanted.

Those were the days when we talked and discussed about the search engines…which one is … continue reading

Top Ten Search Engines

Top Ten Search Engines

A study of some web sites and my web site revealed that the
below-mentioned search engines make up the top 10 search engines. Though there is nothing new about this, most of us know that Google … continue reading

Email marketing; A powerful arsenal for Internet Marketers

Definition of Email Marketing:

Simply put, when a marketer uses emails to reach out to potential customers.It forms a part  is one of the various Internet Marketing strategies. Online marketers can make use of this powerful way to reach interested … continue reading

What is Affiliate Marketing? Are there any Best Practices for Affiliate Marketing?

Definition of Affiliate Marketing

Simply put Affiliate marketing definition would be : Selling products and services belonging to someone else from their own websites. Affiliates earn a commission from the merchants for  selling their products and services.Affiliate marketing is one … continue reading

Launching a new website; Advantages and disadvantages from the SEO perspective

Is your website new? And are you desperate to get on top of search results?

Indeed it may seem like an uphill task to get your website to rank well in the major search engines when you have just about … continue reading