Before answering these questions, let’s take a trip down memory lane on just when did PPC (Pay Per Click) start, it’s evolution and the current status.
The first instance can be traced back to 1996 in a web directory, Planet … continue reading
Before answering these questions, let’s take a trip down memory lane on just when did PPC (Pay Per Click) start, it’s evolution and the current status.
The first instance can be traced back to 1996 in a web directory, Planet … continue reading
SEO practices for 2013 will continue with be in alignment with the changes that we are witnessing today, there won’t be any drastic changes, but the difference in now, and in the SEO practices for 2013, will be the momentum … continue reading
In my previous posts I have talked about the need for running short term campaigns on Google and Yahoo!
This is especially useful when you have launched … continue reading
My earlier post on landing pages and SEO covered the basic requirement of a Landing page. However, nothing should be established or concluded without testing. If we assume that a landing page will do well (without testing it out) we … continue reading
SEO (Search Engine Optimization), PPC (Pay per click), and the various other means of increasing the visibility of your business online; At the end of the day, your online marketing is actually a combination of all of these.
The internet … continue reading