Tag Archives: Infographics

SEO & Creativity; How to get the most of it

SEO & Creativity; the Creative side of SEO; How to get the most of it

SEO is extremely flexible in terms of its applicability, the keyword being optimize, and the operative word being optimize for the internet. SEO & creativity

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Top 4 On-page SEO elements that will continue to impact ranking

Over the years, we have witnessed and are witnessing a lot of changes in search, in terms of how people search, from where they are searching, and search engines as well. With social networking adding to the search dynamics, things … continue reading

Into the visual Age

The need for compelling and unique content is a fact that everyone is aware of but what is it that makes a content unique and compelling?

Content does not mean having pages and pages of information, unless it caters to … continue reading

PINterest; Then and Now

Pinterest captured my attention when it started; I started using it more out of curiosity and found “PIN”ning quite “Interest”ing. It was more like going to Pinterest because I just loved going through images of nature, latest fashion, Jewelry, occasional … continue reading

Infographics and SEO

Infographics are an attractive and effective way of presenting information and data.
They are like images within your content but with a difference.

As a child I always found it easier to understand and grasp any problem if it was … continue reading