Tag Archives: google adwords

Effective and simple techniques to get visitors

For any website, new or old, it is indeed a struggle to get visitors in the first place, let alone get them to subscribe to your products/services. Some of the challenges faced especially by newly launched websites are:

1. Lack … continue reading

Holiday season sales with Google AdWords and SEO

With the holiday season at its peak, and a lot of last minute shoppers around, you can still make some quick sales this month. If you have been working on search engine optimizing your website, you may already be seeing … continue reading

How can PPC (Pay per Click) Ads help with SEO?

PPC and SEO; work together to help you achieve your online marketing objective

In my previous posts I have talked about the need for running short term campaigns on Google and Yahoo!

This is especially useful when you have launched … continue reading

SEO for Small Businesses

The SEO basics for small businesses are just the same for any global business, barring a few focused changes. The below-mentioned SEO best practices can help small business owners attract visitors to their websites: –

1. SEO for Web page … continue reading