Tag Archives: search engine updates

Google Authorship no more

In an announcement made by John Mueller on August 29th, it became apparent that Google Authorship was being revoked.

Why is Google doing this, and what does this mean for content creators who got pretty good traffic because they had

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Squidoo has a new “Hub”

The content rich Squidoo has been acquired by HubPages.

What does this mean for the current top content creators at Squidoo?

A few things that will get affected are:-

1. With the transition already in progress, users will no longer continue reading

With the Pandas on the prowl how are you doing?

Whenever the Pandas come out for a prowl it means something is about to change… good, bad, or ugly, who knows?

Why is Panda the least favorite and yet the most discussed topic with SEOs?

Here is why:-

Google has … continue reading

DuckDuckGo:Search with a difference

What is DuckDuckGo?

DuckDuckGo is a search engine that is clutter-free and provides pure searching experience. Founded by Gabriel Weinberg in February 2008, this search engine has slowly inched its way into the searching sphere. Even with the “out of … continue reading

What is the Penguin update?

From time to time search engines change or tweak their algorithm so that they keep the search results relevant. Penguin update is one of those tweaks.

Let us just say that “Penguin update” is Google’s commitment towards a cleaner and … continue reading