SEO and thinking Outside the Box

SEO is a bit of an art and science. It combines logic and method with the aesthetics. This topic has been a debatable topic in terms of whether it is more of science or Arts…the debate still continues…but one thing is for sure, SEO is evolving, even though the basics remain the same, it is evolving in terms of how it is applied and implemented.

The focus today is not just on optimizing pages for search engines but optimizing for social media as well. Optimizers also have to factor in the fact that more and more users are accessing information/pages from different devices.

Given the various conditions, just applying the established SEO steps may not help in achieving the desired goal. SEO has to get a bit more creative and pre-emptive. The good news is, the possibilities of trying out different things are now much more than before.

Think Out of the box

With the popularity of social media sites on the rise, it is easy to try out different things from the SEO perspective.

Let us take a look at “How to SEO” for an about to be launched site:

You have spent time with you team in finalizing and zeroing in on to a design concept for your site, the navigation, the pages, the content… and you are now ready to begin designing the site along with inputs from SEO experts to ensure that SEO practices are used optimally.

On the face of it, it looks as though everything has been covered.

But, is there anything that you are missing?

  • Have you focused enough on what is it that makes you different from your competitors?

  • Does your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) clearly stand out in your design and content ?

Here is an example of how you can be a bit more creative by using the social media channels to help you in your SEO efforts.

In Twitter, you can tailor the trends based on your location and who you follow. Make a note of the trends and ensure that you cover those topics in your content.

Twit about your upcoming site, follow as many relevant people as possible.
Another thing that you might consider doing is to run a campaign for the best ideas for website features for an upcoming website such as yours. Ensure that you give out prizes. This will not only give you an idea about what people want from your site, it will also provide you additional inputs regarding making your website more user-friendly and relevant. There is always value is getting feedback from people who will use your site.

At the end of such an exercise:-

  • You will be able to generate additional content,
  • Redesign some elements of your site,
  • Get people to know about your upcoming site,
  • Create enough buzz for people to want to visit your site.

Once your site is ready, you may upload it on a test site, and provide access to some of the people who provided you the best inputs for their feedback. Ensure that they are rewarded, acknowledged and recognized for their valuable feedback.

You can carry out a similar exercise in Google +, Pinterest and other social networking sites as well.

Let the creative juices flow, just think about how to make the most of the options available to you, and sit back and watch the flow of visitors growing!

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