WordPress, publishing and SEO

WordPress has made it so easy to publish online. And the best part is the amazing plugins that are available today; you name it and there is a plugin… makes life so much easier.

It is a great platform to publish user friendly and search engine friendly post. It is easy to provide titles, descriptions, add tags, links…whatever you want in a post. There are good plugins like SEO meta tags that will make it easy for you to publish meta description tags for each post and Social bookmarking widgets make it easy for visitors to spread your content easily.

It has made life so much easier and I can hardly complain about lack of time to write and publish content. The moment I get an idea and I wish to write about it, I just have to login to WordPress and start writing…It is now so easy, and possible to write and publish posts within no time. Each post and page can be optimized to make it user friendly. By default, wordPress is capable of handling key elements of SEO, one does  not need to get bothered about formatting, layout, links… and most  of all html knowledge.

There is one word of caution though, please do not make any changes in the codes, without keeping a back up of that! It can lead to some disastrous results, so the important things to remember is, if you wish to play around with the layout, either you should know your codes well, or keep a back up of everything before beginning any experiment. Because if suddenly you find that your site has disappeared or does not show up (I hope it does not happen to anyone!), you can still upload the old file using ftp. This is true when you are using a third party host to host your site using wordPress platform to publish content.

It is certainly a plus if you know html and how to handle CSS.

The rule is to always and always back-up your content, depending upon how often you publish, you might want to set up a reminder to do that on a regular basis. Believe me, if you do this, there is nothing else that will bother you, and you can sit back and relax  and let wordPress handle everything else.

Happy blogging.

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