Mobile marketing; an important strategy for Internet marketers

With the increased usage of smart phones, there doesn’t seem any need for people to login in to their desktops or laptops anymore. Almost everyone I know accesses their official emails, personal mails, social networking sites from their smart phones. Many companies are now allowing smart phone users to access their network from their smart phones. I can see this figure going up steadily.

In future we will find more and more people accessing the web from their mobiles. With smarter phones getting smarter, compact, and convenient, there is a definite shift from desktops/laptops to smart phones.

If you can search, email, use social media to keep in touch with your friend circle, buy products …then why go through the inconvenience of carrying a bulky laptop?

Can internet marketers ignore this fact?

Google and yahoo have ads that are optimized to be displayed on the mobile phones. After all, ignoring the mobile users, who access the internet from their mobiles, would mean ignoring a big chunk of the target audience.

I see a time in the very near future when one can conveniently use smart phones to design, create applications, and upload data. Though it may not happen soon, but it is going to happen and we need to be prepared for that. Having a mobile friendly website should be the objective of every webmaster. Visibility in every possible medium is of key importance today, and Internet marketers cannot ignore this medium any longer. Marketers need to include this growing medium in their marketing strategy.Whether you wish to reach your audience by displaying ads or through your website, the focus has to be to optimize for this medium. Content optimization is of huge importance and is one of the main factors to be considered while optimizing for this medium.

For more on Mobile web marketing, here is an article that I wrote some time back on Mobile SEO best practices.

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