Search Engine Updates

Audio search engine Audioburst

Audio search engine, Audioburst, helps you find audio content easily. This audio search engine connects you to various audio sources…

7 years ago

Google for jobs; look no further

Google for jobs?  You heard right, if you are looking for a job, head straight to Google. Google has job opportunities…

7 years ago

Linguistic search engine; Ludwig, the SE with a difference

Not very confident in expressing yourself in English? No worries, Ludwig is here Ludwig, the linguistic search engine is what you…

8 years ago

The Kid safe visual search engine, Kiddle

Kiddle the new kid safe search engine is here Close on the heels of the launch of the kid safe search engine,…

9 years ago

The search engine for kids; Thinga

Search Engine for Kids ? This new search engine for kids “Thinga” is a kid-friendly search engine launched to cater…

9 years ago

Search and make a positive impact

Search and make a positive impact in people’s lives Search and make a positive impact, in what way, you may…

9 years ago

FACEbook it and BING it on

FACE it and BING it on Facebook and Bing have been the focus of a lot of activity in the…

9 years ago

Hungry? Just Go to Google

A recent launch from Google will take care of your desire to eat whatever food you are pining for, effectively…

10 years ago

Doorway to trouble?

What are Doorway pages and how do they impact search? There are plenty of websites on the internet that use…

10 years ago

Ixquick: A Search engine that protects your privacy

Today we can be as open and as sharing as we want to be. We can publish and share minute…

10 years ago

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