Best SEO Practices ?

Well, this web site is about the best SEO practices, but do we really have a list that will give you a complete insight into SEO and the best practices that are followed by professionals all over the world?

The answer is yes, there is…but you may not find a list that will give you a list of all the best practices,  the thing is; you are never done. There is no list that will say- follow these seo practices and you will rank well.

In truth there are quite a few things that a SEO professional will do by default to prepare your web site for search engines and visitors and to ensure that your site is not black listed by the search engines and social networking sites. But what after the initial set of “to dos”? Once you are through with optimizing the web site with the appropriate mata tags, content, navigation, design, load time, submissions to search directories  etc…. What after that?

Do you just wait around for the search engines to make your site popular or do you continue to work on other aspects of SEO (Search engine optimization)?

Any new product, when it is launched, requires a lot of promotions through newspaper ads, internet, billboards, TV ads,  radio etc. Agreed that initially the promotion effort is huge but does it completely stop after people get to know about it and start using the product?

The answer is NO. Big established brands still advertise and advertise a lot. With the markets getting more and more  competitive, there is every need of reaching your message again and again to your potential customers. Customers have a  short attention span and if you do not keep reminding them that you are around they will forget you. Not only do you need to remind your loyal customers about your products and services, you also need to attract potential customers.

The same thing applies to websites and blogs. If you do not continue with your effort in enhancing your online presence  through SEO, your site will not retain a decent position (SEO positioning) in search engines. Search engines are continuously upgrading their algorithms to provide us more and more accurate results. They have started paying attention to social networking sites and  their ability to draw the masses. With Social networking sites playing a huge part in everybody’s life today, can we ignore  the fact that we need to have a strong presence through any online vehicle that is available today?

SEO best practices today, is a dynamic list, the essentials remain the same but it has expanded to include best practices  for any online way of promoting your products and services.

SEO is truly a creative mix of everything, from designing a web page to spreading your message across to  potential customers through search engines, social networking sites such as Twitter, facebook… All the steps that you  take, from the inital web page creation to increasing your visibility across all forms of online promotion, forms part of  the SEO best practices “to dos”. Make a note of all the activities you do to take your website from the initial not so popular to the popular path and this will form your SEO best practices. The traffic that your web site will attract after implementing SEO through the best practices of SEO, is immense.

Ranjana Jha

The internet has been a great source of interest to me. I have been involved with website promotions and SEO since the late 90s. Those days SEO was not as well-known or wasn't really the top priority for most businesses. The whole SEO concept was still at its nascent stage. It is interesting how SEO has evolved over the past decade. My objective of setting up this website is to share my experiences and help your business attain a higher visibility on the internet.

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