Categories: Internet Marketing

Online visibility; what lies ahead?

Online visibility has changed drastically over the years for business owners and for online marketers.

There is now a visible change in the online marketing strategies that used to be recommended earlier to online business to increase their website’s online visibility. A decade back, the options of promoting your website online were limited to search engines, search directories, advertising on web properties through banners, buttons, banner exchange, and Google AdWords. A proportion of each of these would form part of the online marketing mix depending upon the website’s objective.

What has changed now?

Well, almost everything! What used to comprise of a major portion of the search pie, is now not that major. A significant bit of the search is now being shared with the networking sites. Search engines and directories have had to make space for Social networking sites. Unlike earlier, we are spoilt for options for online visibility. No wonder we have seen Google and Yahoo add networking to their services offered.

How does this change the role of an online marketer?

Firstly, there are so many options to choose from while designing the online marketing strategy for a website. A message on twitter or Facebook has the potential of attracting relevant visitors to your site within no time. Thanks to the availability of smart phones you can start receiving responses almost instantly.Times have changed since the early days of SEO. Even though the options are more now, one has to ensure that you are heard and are not getting lost over the din. For a marketer it is indeed challenging to cater to the requirements of businesses by creating a strategy that optimizes and derives the maximum benefit from among all the options available today. Never have there been so many options of reaching across to the maximum possible population, a wide range of age, different strata of society, across nations and cultures.

As a business owner there are many-many ways of reaching out to the target audience today. A Facebook page, a Twitter and Pinterest account among so many others, will ensure that you start receiving visitors within no time. Of course you can’t just stop, one has to be persistent, like SEO it is a continuous effort, you have to be at it. Almost every online and brick and motor business has an online visibility today. With the availability of free analytics tool from Google, there is an immense amount of data available for analysis. These are exciting times not only for online marketers but business owners too.

Ranjana Jha

The internet has been a great source of interest to me. I have been involved with website promotions and SEO since the late 90s. Those days SEO was not as well-known or wasn't really the top priority for most businesses. The whole SEO concept was still at its nascent stage. It is interesting how SEO has evolved over the past decade. My objective of setting up this website is to share my experiences and help your business attain a higher visibility on the internet.

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